A BELOVED pub nestled in a Cornish village is set to re-open this weekend as new landlords take over.

The Jubilee Inn in Pelynt, owned by St Austell Brewery, has been closed since the beginning of this year. However, with thanks to Linda and Steve Mason, who have moved from Buckinghamshire to Cornwall, it will now be back in action and open to local residents.

This will be the couple’s first pub but they say they are “ready and raring to go” and have already fallen in love with the pub and the community.

The pub will be open this weekend
The pub will be open this weekend ( )

Having been stationed in Cornwall in the Navy and starting her family in Cornwall, Linda was always keen to return to the area one day.

Linda said: “We had looked at a few pubs and on the same day we knew we had lost out on another, we were shown The Jubilee Inn here. As soon as we walked in, we just thought, yes. The community have already been wonderful with people popping in to say hello. 

“We went down to the shop at 8am the other day and didn’t get back until 10.30am — people are so keen to say hello and talk about the pub, it’s lovely. We’ve felt so welcome and can see that the pub is a big part of the community, and we just want to give the people back their pub.”

The pub, which was originally a farm, is getting a spruce up with some lighter painting and cleaning, and Steve and Linda have big plans to up their sustainability efforts — they hope to install solar panels, harvest rainwater for the toilets, move to an all-electric kitchen, install a ground source heat pump and steer clear of single use plastics.

Steve, Linda and the team will reopen the pub this Saturday (May 4) with free tea, coffee and cake on offer.